EURASF Membership is chargeable.
The funds will be used solely to cover the costs of running the association, web space, travelling expenses, EDN membership, account management and printing costs.
We encourage our members to make membership payments at the beginning of each calendar year. You can pay by bank transfer to the following account:
Name of account holder: European Academy of Science Film
Account No: 10014 684 665
IBAN: AT43 1200 0100 1468 4665
Address of Bank: Uni Credit Bank Austria AG, Schottengasse 6-8, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Please include your name and/or event to ensure correct allocation of your payment.
Group WEST (Membership € 50,- / € 130,- ) | Group CENTER (€ 38,- / € 98,-) | Group EAST (€ 25,- / € 65,-) |
11 countries |
9 countries |